Announcements 12/5/2022

Students: Please fill out the 2nd Quarter Student Survey in your email! Three students that respond will win a $10 gift card. 

FFA officers will meet in Mrs. Chandler’s Room today during homeroom. Check in with your homeroom first.

FFA members – we will be taking a group photo in the big gym on Wednesday during homeroom.  FFA Officers should wear official dress and all other members should wear their FFA polos.  If you need a polo to wear that day see Mrs. Chandler or an FFA member to get you one to borrow.  

FFA Members who are interested in Public Speaking contest or helping with Wreaths Across America should sign up on the sheets on the Ag room board.

Joke of the Day: What do you think elves do after school? Their gnome-work.

Random Fact of the Day: There are nearly 15,000 Christmas tree farms in the United States. The average growing time for a Christmas tree is seven years.

Any students that did not get the finals early leave consent form please stop by the office. They are due Dec. 9, 2022.

Girls Basketball@ Watseka-6:005:00
Lunch Menu
Garlic Bread
Green Beans

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