

Friday, January 14, 2022  

Happy Birthday: Rudra Patel (1/15), Zackary Alvarez (1/15), Jackson Schunke (1/16) Tania Tolliver (1/16).  Tyler Bontrager! 

All Students and Staff Please remember it is unlawful to pass a school bus with flashing lights and stop arm extended, even in the school parking lot. There have been cases of students driving past our buses picking up or dropping off students in our parking lot. This is extremely unsafe. We need everyone’s cooperation to follow the law and help keep everyone safe.

There will be a track meeting during homeroom in the small gym for anyone who plans on going out for track this year. Students need to check in with the HR teacher first for attendance and then can go to the small gym.

The Leadership Team is hosting a PIckleball Tournament on Wednesday, January 19th right after school at 1:30. Sign-ups are in front of the office and you can even team up with teachers. There can only be 16 teams so sign up quickly and participants get a pizza party afterward. The winners will be awarded the picklewar trophy. Hope to see you there.

The cast list for the Addams Family has been posted and can be found on the Google Classroom or the choir room door. Congratulations to everyone! Scripts should be picked up today anytime from 11:30-4, and the first practice is on Monday from 10-2. If you cannot make it, let Ms. Gill know ASAP.

Rifle Club Members, yearbook photos will be Tuesday January 18th. Please be there at 6pm on Tuesday January 18th for the yearbook and individual photos. 

Wrestling needs to be let out at 1:30 today!

Lunch Menu

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