Absence Guidelines

Parents & Guardians,

Please note that during this time of pandemic, it is necessary for us to have documentation for your child’s absence. If your child is going to miss school for any reason(s) please call Mrs. Eshleman, 217-387-2291 or send her a message using Class Dojo the day of the absence. If your child is absent from school for a reason other than being ill you will need to call/dojo and send a note when your child returns to school. If your child was ill with one or more COVID symptom(s) and returns from an absence, they must have the following documentation:

A note from their doctor informing that they may return to school

or * A negative result from a COVID-19 test.

If these forms of documentation from that illness cannot be provided, your child will need to quarantine for 10 days.

Please note that siblings of a student with COVID symptoms (who reside in the same household) will need to stay home until documentation on the symptomatic student can be presented.

We thank you for your continued cooperation during this time.

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